This is Chas' blog post. Eventually Vlog studio. This Blog=>Vlog is how I connect with my audience and keep folks coming back. This online stage is a great way to position myself as an authority in engineering affordable housing. Through taking resources in my local environment and re-purposing them into something useful clients may find a pleasing style that creates more value in their lives.
To help you folks, my visitors explore more content I have created categories. For ease of mine I'm limiting it to 3. These categories appear in your blog’s navigation menu, so choose categories that cover the main topics of your blog, e.g., Product kit, Fashionable Services, Creative clientelle story-line. For easy navigation, it’s best to keep my category names short – 1 to 2 word titles... 3 is pushing it. HouseParty!, 4M/s 4Me, and Holler Hive Hub are my categories. For a clean look on my Vlog’s navigation menu, I maintain 7 categories max.